Select the Perfect Restaurant for a Memorable Dinner Party

Select the Perfect Restaurant for a Memorable Dinner Party

Food is one of our basic needs, but cooking is also an art, and fine dining at fantastic restaurants is one of the most luxurious experiences you can have. However, not all restaurants are made equal, and there are absolutely restaurants you should avoid like the plague and others you should make a beeline for. It takes time and experience to build the instincts that can spot a restaurant’s quality, but nobody wants to waste their money and time on a meal that is not worth it, so here are a couple of tips to help you find the perfect restaurant.

Use the Internet

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In the modern and digital age, we have almost unlimited information available right at our fingertips, so we really have no excuse to walk in blindly anywhere. Use social media, Google, Instagram, or any other tool to find a restaurant that appeals to your tastes and style. If you take a look at, you’ll see what they have to offer, their opening and closing times, what the menu looks like, etc. Also, do not forget to check out reviews to see what other people have to say about their past experiences with the restaurant, so you do not just fall for good marketing.

First Impressions Matter

Yes, you should not judge a book by its cover, but it can certainly give you an idea of what you can expect inside the book, and first impressions do matter. If the restaurant is not well maintained, the exterior looks unkempt, the interior looks grimy, and the tables are greasy, you probably will not be witnessing any MasterChef levels of cooking. But if the tables shine, the cutlery is pristine, the waiters are attentive and professional, and the exterior is carefully maintained, the chances of you having an incredible time will naturally be a lot higher.

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Size of the Menu

If the menu is like 20 pages long and has a dozen variations and varieties for every continent on the planet, it is a dead giveaway of a restaurant you should stay clear of. No self-respecting and high-class kitchen in the world can churn out such a huge quantity of dishes without making heavy compromises on the quality and attention they pay to each dish. Go for one that is focused; you are much more likely to get succulent Italian cuisine at a restaurant that specializes in Italian cuisine than at an Arab restaurant, it’s logical.

Book Early

This is more of a tip for yourself, but the early bird catches the worm, and the early booker gets the best seats and timings. Once you have settled on a restaurant, do not wait days or weeks to book your table, and contact them promptly instead, ensuring you catch the timeslot you want and the tables you prefer, especially if it is a bigger occasion like a family dinner party. 

Nobody wants to have an evening they regret, and especially in situations where you need everyone to have a great time, like a dinner party, it is imperative you choose the restaurant carefully.

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About the author

Thomas has a university background in the UK and in Latin America, with studies in Languages and Humanities, Culture, Literature and Economics. He started his Asian experience as a publisher in Krabi in 2005. Thomas has been editing local newspapers and magazines in England, Spain and Thailand for more than fifteen years. He is currently working on several projects in Thailand and abroad. Apart from Thailand, Thomas has lived in Italy, England, Venezuela, Cuba, Spain and Bali. He spends most of his time in Asia. During the years Thomas has developed a great understanding of several Asian cultures and people. He is also working freelance, writing short travel stories and articles for travel magazines. Follow Thomas on

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