PODCAST 11: Jim Thompson, il leggendario milionario della seta

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I libri di Jim Thompson si trovano ancora sul suo comodino, proprio come li aveva lasciati il Venerdì Santo del 1967. Quel fatidico giorno, il Re della Seta thailandese scomparve senza lasciare traccia mentre era in vacanza nelle Cameron Highlands della Malesia. Per rintracciarlo fu organizzata una massiccia caccia all’uomo, senza alcun risultato. Al romantico che è in me piace una particolare teoria secondo la quale Jim Thompson sarebbe semplicemente scappato per iniziare una nuova vita altrove.


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About the author

Thomas has a university background in the UK and in Latin America, with studies in Languages and Humanities, Culture, Literature and Economics. He started his Asian experience as a publisher in Krabi in 2005. Thomas has been editing local newspapers and magazines in England, Spain and Thailand for more than fifteen years. He is currently working on several projects in Thailand and abroad. Apart from Thailand, Thomas has lived in Italy, England, Venezuela, Cuba, Spain and Bali. He spends most of his time in Asia. During the years Thomas has developed a great understanding of several Asian cultures and people. He is also working freelance, writing short travel stories and articles for travel magazines. Follow Thomas on www.asianitinerary.com

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