According to a study of the Mirror, the best destinations around the world are an unparalleled mix of culture, history, avant-garde creativity and culinary gems.
Every year the world’s major newspapers draw up a ranking of the world’s best destination and, according to the Mirror, some of these are in Asia. Apparently tourists are attracted mainly by Asian cities. The study of the British newspaper involved 132 cities among the most visited, and from this survey a Top Ten was carried out: the results are truly amazing. As of late, destinations in Asia and the Middle East are the fastest-growing for tourists.
The last position of the ranking is occupied by Hong Kong, which was visited by 8.66 million tourists (down from 8.72 millions in 2013). Next, another Asian capital, Seoul, where 10,35 million people have visited the Korean capital during 2015. Even more visited was Kuala Lumpur, the largest city in Malaysia, with a boom in visitors of 11.12 millions (up from 9.2 million in 2013).
Still in Asia, another very popular destination among travelers from around the world located on the southeast end of the Malay Peninsula was Singapore with 11,88 million visitors (up from 11,75 millions in 2013). Very popular in 2015 was also Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. 14,26 million tourists have not been able to resist the charm of this desert metropolis and its extraordinary architectures (up from 9.89 million in 2013).
The silver medal belongs to the wonderful city of Bangkok, Thailand: a chaotic and fascinating crossroads of culture, history, styles and eras that has enchanted 18,24 travelers. In 2013, Bangkok attracted 16 million visitors and was the world’s most visited city, barely edging out London.
The best destination in the world today is indeed London: with its 18.82 million tourists, he has recorded the highest number of visitors.
Which of the above Asian cities did you visited in 2015?