Tradizioni che si mischiano alla modernità Per la versione in ITALIANO sulle Tradizioni che si mischiano alla modernità ENTRARE NELL’ARTICOLO. Share This
Harubee: musica esplosiva bodu beru dalle Maldive Avevo grandi aspettative quando son salito sull’autobus che da Santubong, nel Borneo malese, portava in città a Kuching per ... Share This
Harubee at the Rainforest World Music Festival 2015 VIDEO POST: The Maldivian group Harubee share a love for the traditional Maldivian music, bodu beru . Watch them here at the Rainforest ... Share This
Mah Meri al Rainforest World Music Festival 2015 VIDEO POST: I Mah Meri sono Orang Asli, indigeni provenienti dalla Malesia peninsulare che hanno vissuto lì da prima del 1000 aC. Con ... Share This
Interview with Mah Meri Mah Meri, pronounced Max Mri, is a native group mostly native to Penisular Malaysia. They are one of the 18 Orang Asli groups present ... Share This
Epi al Rainforest World Music Festival 2015 VIDEO POST: Epi viene dalla Mongolia, esercita il canto con la gola e suona il morin khuur, tradizionale violino mongolo. Qui lo ... Share This
Culture Shot at the Rainforest World Music Festival 2015 VIDEO POST: I Culture Shot, noti anche come La La La Li Tam Pong, in un esibizione al Rainforest World Music Festival 2015. Share This
Music at the Rainforest World Music Festival The Understanding of Music I have been attending the Rainforest World Music Festival for the past two years and every time I wonder ... Share This
Sangpuy Dayak heritage at RWMF 2015 Taiwanese artist, Sangpuy, will share his many musical similarities with the Dayaks of Borneo at the forthcoming Rainforest World Music ... Share This
Kuching – quando la musica incontra la foresta Per la versione in ITALIANO sul Rainforest World Music Festival, ENTRARE NELL’ARTICOLO Share This
DAMAI BEACH RESORT DAMAI BEACH RESROT Kuching , Sarawak 93756, Malaysia +6 082-846999 / +6 082-238007 Our hosts the Sarawak ... Share This
Lan E Tuyang, Orang Ulu music from Borneo Mathew Ngau Jau of Lan E Tuyang is a craftsman, a stone sculptor and a musician. I met him at the media and artists canteen and we ... Share This