132/35 Moo 2 Ao Nang, Krabi 81000, Thailand
Phone: (66) 075-695 615 Mobile Phone: (66) 081-719 6750
Opening hours: daily 10am to 10pm
Contact: Khun Boossabakorn (Nui) – boossabakornspa@yahoo.com
Website: www.boosssabakornspa.com
Boossabakorn Krabi Spa is a world of exclusively yours. This sensual and physical pleasure that uplifts the very spirit of one’s body and soul. They invite every guest to experience the passage to the heaven from the every moment they first step into this unique Spa. With their special Thai touch and blend of pure cool, calming and intoxicating ambience they have created an area of different mood and traditional carvings that complement their elegant furnishing and décor. The scents and soft celestial sounds of nature complete the job.
Select you pure pampering from their extensive range of exclusively Boossabakorn Krabi Spa treatments and therapists. Enhanced and perfected by Boossabakorn Krabi Spa but inspired and influenced by ancient rituals of using the purest of rural Thai herbs, aromatic oils and time-tested techniques to induce circulation and relaxation; the therapeutic benefit for all, young and old, men and women alike and undeniable. Whether it is a full body treatment of facial, the skins and knowledge handed down in these traditional treatment rejuvenate and revive the senses as well as the body.
Boossabakorn Krabi Spa highly skilled and qualified therapist blend traditional oil and techniques to suit your mood and requirement whether you fell stressed, tried and overwrought or just want to be pampered for ultimate pleasure and relaxation. Their full array of treatments will have something appropriate for your personal satisfaction and need.